You can now begin writing and drawing notes that your students will see. If using another app, select the software application you use for whiteboarding from the options, then click “Share.” Only that application will be shared.

Use Zoom's built-in whiteboard by selecting “Share Screen: Whiteboard.”.Select “Share Screen” at the bottom of your Zoom session.(This can be set before the meeting in your Zoom preferences for the meeting, or you can click on “Record” in the bottom menu during the meeting.) Set it to record if you want students to be able to reference it later. Start the Zoom session on your computer.Open the software you want to use for whiteboard-for example, PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, LaTex, or ChemDraw.This method uses Zoom's screensharing feature and your choice of app for whiteboarding. Method 1: Zoom + Screensharing using computer only There are three ways to use iPads to project content, documented here in Methods 2, 3, and 4 below. Here are five different ways you can create and use a whiteboard in Zoom. If you need to use a whiteboard for equations, diagrams, or other shared notes during a Zoom class session, there are several tools and tips that can help, from low tech to high tech.