Make sure you have updated your GPU drivers to their latest version. Most of the time Tchia crashes on startup while launching it because of an outdated graphics driver installed on your PC. Just wait for the same and reboot the PC to apply changes.

Click on Search automatically for drivers.Right-click on the dedicated graphics card that’s active or you’re using.Double-click on Display adapters to expand it.Press the Window+X keys to open the Quick Access Menu.Updating graphics card drivers is an essential step for resolving issues with Tchia crashes. Once the game is downloaded, launch Tchia again and check if the crashing issue has been resolved.Press the “ Options” button on the controller and select “ Check for Update.”.Navigate to Tchia on the PS5 home screen.After Tchia is deleted, navigate to the PlayStation Store and download the game again.After the update is installed, select “Tchia” and press the “Options” button on the controller.If there is an update available, download and install it.